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Université de Bordeaux

Practical information

› N° participants: 16

› Language: classes, discussions and group work will be in English. Candidates should have a B2 level of English or equivalent.

› Location: classes and guest lectures take place on the Talence Campus of the University of Bordeaux and on the Green Campus in Villenave d’Ornon.

› Participant profile: the course is designed for third year Bachelor students and first and second year Master students with a background in biology and a strong interest in 21st century agricultural challenges.

› Applications: candidates must provide a CV and cover letter detailing their motivations for attending the summer school and their professional project, highlighitng how this programme will help them to develop new skills.

› Deadline: April 6th, 2025.

› Participation fee:

› 300 € for participants from the University of Bordeaux (including lunches, coffee breaks and social programme costs)

› 700 € for participants from ENLIGHT universities (including breakfasts, lunches, coffee breaks, accommodation and social programme costs)

› 950 € for regular participants (including breakfasts, lunches, coffee breaks, accommodation and social programme costs)