Instructors and guest lecturers were scientific experts from governmental research institutions, organisations dedicated to agricultural development, farmers, food and agricultural industrialists and professors / associate professors from the University of Bordeaux.
› Stéphanie Cluzet: Assistant-Professor of Biotechnology, Plant Science and Botany, University of Bordeaux, France
› Dr. Frédéric Delmas: Associate Professor of plant biology and biotechnology, Fruit Biology and Pathology research unit, University of Bordeaux – INRAE, France
› Dr. Karine Dementhon: Assistant Professor at the University of Bordeaux in Fundamental Microbiology (Mycology) and Pathogenicity, University of Bordeaux – INRAE, France
› Prof. Jean-Philippe Fontenelle: Associate professor of agronomy, University of Bordeaux - Bordeaux Sciences Agro, France
› Dr. Amélia Gaston: Researcher, Fruit Biology and Pathology research unit, University of Bordeaux – INRAE, France.
› Prof. Eric Gomes: Professor of molecular and cellular biology, biochemistry and plant physiology, Ecophysiology and Grape Functional Genomics research unit, ISVV – University of Bordeaux – INRAE, France
› Dr. Marie-Laure Greil: Director of the experimental unit of Toulenne, INRAE, France
› Erwan Guichoux: Lab manager, Biodiversity, Genes and Communities reasearch unit, University of Bordeaux – INRAE, France
› Prof. Michel Hernould: Professor of plant development biology, coordinator of the Biology – Health Master programme, Fruit Biology and Pathology research unit, University of Bordeaux – INRAE, France
› Pierre Marazanof: Sales manager, Château Couhins, France
› Dr. Kentaro Mori: Associate Professor of plant physiology and biology, Fruit Biology and Pathology research unit, University of Bordeaux – INRAE, France
› Dr. Justine Perrotte: Doctor of physiology - fundamental research and variety creation, INVENIO, France
› Dr. Pierre Pétriacq: Associate Professor of biochemistry and plant biology, Scientific Director of Bordeaux Metabolome, Fruit Biology and Pathology research unit, University of Bordeaux – INRAE, France
› José Quero-Garcia: Researcher, Fruit Biology and Pathology research unit, University of Bordeaux – INRAE, France.
› Fanny Robledo-Garcia: Researcher, Biodiversity, Genes and Communities reasearch unit, University of Bordeaux – INRAE, France
› Prof. Valérie Schurdi-Levraud: Professor in plant genetics, evolution and plant breeding, coordinator of the first year of the Plant biology and biotechnology Master programme, Fruit Biology and Pathology research unit, University of Bordeaux – INRAE, France
› Joseph Valls-Fonayet: Associate professor, University of Bordeaux, France
› Prof. Cornelis van Leeuwen: Oenologist, Professor of viticulture, University of Bordeaux - Bordeaux Sciences Agro, France